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I Heart Grade 3

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Quality, affordable curriculum materials for Grades 3 & 4.




Quality, affordable curriculum materials for Grades 3 & 4.
Editable Half Page Homework Slips

Editable Half Page Homework Slips

Are you looking for a solution to getting your homework assigned quickly and efficiently? Want to give out homework just once a week - and staple or glue it easily into your students’ agendas? Look no further! These easy to use, fully editable 1/2 page homework slips are exactly what you need! All twelve months of the year are included with culturally diverse clipart. These homework slips come in 3 different forms. Group A is completely blank with text boxes for you to add your own categories and assignments. Group B has specific subjects “locked down” on the page, but text boxes are provided for the date and assignments. Group C is completely blank with checkmark boxes for your students to use and fill in their own homework assignments. Text boxes are provided for the date and you may add your own text boxes if you would like to add the homework assignments to the slip. Should you have any questions or comments about this product, feel free to email me at missmonica@iheartgrade3.com Have a great day!
Special Needs Checklists

Special Needs Checklists

Special Needs Checklists is an essential tool for educators of students with special needs. This comprehensive resource provides checklists for a variety of needs, including behavior, organization, and learning difficulties, making it easier for teachers to identify and support the unique needs of their students. With its easy-to-use format and detailed information, the Special Needs Checklists by I Heart Grade 3 is designed to make the process of identifying and addressing special needs as seamless and stress-free as possible. The checklists provide teachers with a clear understanding of the student’s needs, allowing them to work together to create individualized support plans that are tailored to the student’s specific requirements. Whether you are an experienced teacher or just starting out, these checklists will be an invaluable resource. They provide you with the information and guidance you need to make informed decisions about how best to support your students, ensuring that they receive the individualized attention they need to succeed. Special Needs Checklists by I Heart Grade 3 are available for immediate download and can be easily printed, making it easy to access the information when and where you need it. With its user-friendly format and detailed information, these checklists are the perfect resource for anyone looking to support students with special needs. So if you’re looking for an easy-to-use tool that can help you better understand and support the special needs of your students, look no further than Special Needs Checklists by I Heart Grade 3. These checklists are NOT A VALID METHOD FOR DIAGNOSING SPECIFIC LEARNING DISABILITIES but can serve as an important observational tool when referring a child for professional services such as psychological testing, speech therapy, and/ or occupational therapy. It can also help you plan for individualized educational plans and behavior intervention plans for students needing adapted or modified programs. This file contains: 2 page checklist for dyscalculia 2 page checklist for dysgraphia 2 page checklist for dyslexia 2 page checklist for dyspraxia Each checklist is broken down into separate parts to give yourself a global view of each special need in order to better understand and help your students.
Pictograms for Classrooms

Pictograms for Classrooms

This product was designed to help students with special needs navigate through their school day but I quickly realized that it helps ALL students with the daily routine in my classroom. This product contains the following elements to help you and your special needs students get through the school day with ease. Ideas and visuals for helping special needs students understand who is in charge at school. Complete visual kit for classroom rules with both large posters and smaller sizes to be placed on student desks. Complete visual kit for classroom materials with both large posters and smaller sizes to be placed on student desks. Complete visual kit for daily routines including days of the week and subject matters. Complete visual kit for emotions and instructions for how to make and use a key ring for quick reference. Complete visual kit for managing tasks including 4 different sets of happy kids visuals to let students and teachers know when tasks are completed. Complete visual kit for time out cards for when your students need a break from the classroom environment. ALL BLACKLINE MASTERS Should you have any questions or comments about this product, feel free to email me at Have a great day!